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Our advantages
why choose us?
We are ONE-STOP solution company. Private label service and customized package service are available. OEM&ODM order is welcomed. We have skillful R&D departments and own mold factory. Product drawing can be finished in 2-3 workdays. Molding can be ready in 7-10 workdays.
Company OverviewWe have 11 years of production and management experience, to provide you with more professional products and services.
Strong R&D CapacityWe have a strong engineer team with 5 engineer help to devolp the new project. We could share more ideas with you and are able to buil samples molds before mass production.
Quality Control Every order from mass production is inspected by IPQC, FPQC before shipment. All raw and packaging materials are carefully examined before getting into production.
Professional TeamWelcome to contact us and place orders. We will try our best to help you.
Exhibitions Events
welcome to our store
March 15, 2015 in Hong Kong
March 8, 2016 in Hong Kong
October 10, 2016 in Hong Kong
October 6, 2017 in Hong Kong
April 16, 2017 in Chicago
October 13, 2017 in the UK